

  • Competitive Pricing
  • Quality Service
  • Experience
  • On-ground expertise
  • End-to-End support

India – a land where the futuristic present blend in with glimpses of eras gone by; modern technologies seamlessly go together with centuries-old traditions; where temples and palaces stand shoulder-to-shoulder with modern structures.

India should be the next destination for your next meeting or event, one that will be talked about for months to come.

With easy and direct accessibility to international airports around the world from its metros, global hotel chains and Indian hospitality brands at par with global standards, expansive banquet spaces and unique destination experiences for after-work delights – India is the perfect destination for your next meeting or conference.

Imagine a private team breakfast in view of the Taj Mahal in Agra or cocktails at sundown in front of the Gateway of India in Mumbai; a dinner on a private beach on the sandy shores of Mahabalipuram in Chennai or a group yoga and guided meditation session to zest-up the team spirit.

All these experiences and more can be included in your next organizational meeting with Asahi.

Incentive Travel to India

Our travel experts can also help you plan fun, never seen before experiences for your organisation’s incentive travel – white water rafting through the Ganges together, watching the boat races in Kerala (one of the finest examples of team work), a short to trek to one of the many forts in Pune or just unwinding at a private yacht party in Mumbai.

Allow us to guide you in planning a meeting or incentive travel to India which your team will cherish for a long time to come.